Author: Devenne

Desk at home
Graphic Designer & Web Developer

Freelance 2004 – current As a designer with an interest in technology, I've developed websites and print media (business cards, brochures, fliers) for small businesses and hobbyists. Recent projects have included: Verus Track A one-page, responsive, promotional webpage was required to achieve my client's business goals. In addition to creating the webpage, I created an […]


Capable learner and user of any software or machines necessary for a task Proficient with Apple-, Windows-, and Unix-based operating systems Coded in HTML, CSS, PHP, and MySQL with a focus on accessibility, usability, cross-browser compatibility, and standards for the web and email Worked with frameworks such as Foundation and MJML Familiar with Git and […]

LinuxFest Northwest

April 2012 – current | Bellingham, WA Participated in discussions regarding various free & open source software (FOSS), licensing issues, FOSS development and production tools, and more

Seagl (Seattle GNU/Linux Conference)

November 2015 | Seattle, WA Attended discussions about various various free & open source software (FOSS) and hardware, development and production tools, licensing discussions, and more

GIS Mapping for the Lay Person

Tyee Master Class—Web Mapping and Basic Data Herding March 2015 | Vancouver, BC Introduction to GIS mapping software and other tools for managing complex location data

Learning to work with pastels
Drawing for Design

Emily Carr University of Art + DesignSpring 2015 | Vancouver, BC I explored techniques, materials, composition, and expression through this class. Tone & Texture Drawing of burning wood and fire Tools: Black & white chalks, 6B charcoal pencil, initial sketch with HB pencil Lesson learned: Chalks are really useful tools! I need to keep practicing […]

The InDesign Conference

November 2014 | Seattle, WA Expert, industry-level publishing, production, and design conference for InDesign

Basics of Communication Design

Emily Carr University of Art + DesignFall 2013 | Vancouver, BC Explored logo design, typography, and layout

Vancouver Linux Users Group—Director at Large

2012 – 2013 | Vancouver, BC Researched society bylaw legislation and restored the society Assisted with long-term strategic planning and topic suggestions for technical events

LinuxCon North America

August 2011 | Vancouver, BC Attended sysadmin and technologist discussions regarding various open source software, development and production tools, and more